When you will generate a new jekyll website on your local machine, You will see a default theme called Minima.
if you want to customize this default theme, you will have to download Minima theme files from GitHub.
Unzip this folder and extract all files, now you need to drag and drop following folders into route directory of your local website.
If you want some default content, copy example folder, otherwise delete this folder we don’t need this folder.
Under _assets folder, main.scss file is available. If you want to add your own styling, edit this file.
If you don’t know SASS. create a new file and name it styles.css or anything you want.
Add new css styling in your new css file. Go to _includes folder and open head.html file in your editor and add
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”{{ “/assets/style.css” | relative_url }}”>
in the head just below main.css file.
That’s all. Now you can add your own custom css styles to minima theme.
If you want to edit any other file, feel free to edit it.
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